General Dentistry

General Dentistry


Fillings are a crucial treatment for addressing caries and cavities, which are essentially holes in the teeth. Left untreated, cavities can lead to a host of complications, including infections and even tooth loss, as they provide an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to thrive. Unfortunately, cavities often develop silently, showing no noticeable symptoms until they reach an advanced stage. At Dental Aesthetics, our team of general dentists excels in early cavity detection, allowing for prompt intervention before the issue escalates. In many instances, we can diagnose and treat cavities on the same day, with the application of fillings immediately following the diagnosis. This makes the process not only efficient but also virtually painless, typically requiring just a single appointment. Patients can leave our clinic with their teeth restored and free from cavities, ensuring their oral health is well-maintained.


Have you encountered a severely damaged tooth or one that is vulnerable to potential fractures? In such instances, relying solely on traditional fillings may not provide the long-term support and protection your tooth needs. Dr. Maryam Fatima recommends a dental crown as a more robust solution to restore compromised teeth. Unlike a standard filling that addresses the cavity within the damaged tooth, a dental crown serves as a protective cap that shields the tooth from further harm and decay. This approach is especially beneficial for reinforcing teeth with extensive damage, as well as those that have undergone root canal therapy. When a crown is deemed the most suitable treatment, our process involves the initial preparation of the tooth before the crown is securely placed. This comprehensive approach ensures the longevity and durability of the restoration, safeguarding your oral health effectively.


Patients often have concerns about root canal treatments, believing them to be painful procedures with uncertain outcomes. However, at Dental Aesthetics, we have great news for patients who require a root canal. Dr. Maryam Fatima and our team of skilled endodontists employ minimally invasive techniques to provide you with relief from discomfort. Our approach involves the gentle removal of the affected nerve tissue and pulp, effectively alleviating pain. Subsequently, our experienced endodontists meticulously fill the canals and seal the root/tooth to safeguard against future issues.

Inlays & Onlays

Indirect fillings, also known as inlays and onlays, are custom-made dental restorations created in a dental laboratory. They are commonly used in cosmetic dentistry when a tooth lacks sufficient structure to support a traditional filling or has mild to moderate decay. Inlays are employed when the tooth’s cusp (pointed or elevated part) is undamaged, as they are placed directly onto the tooth’s surface. On the other hand, onlays are utilized when a more substantial portion of the tooth or cusp is damaged, as they cover the entire surface of the tooth. Typically, inlays and onlays are crafted from ceramic materials or a composite of porcelain in a dental laboratory. These restorations serve to strengthen the teeth, restore their natural shape, and help prevent further decay when bonded to the teeth using adhesive dental cement.


At Dental Aesthetics, our experienced general dentists perform painless tooth extraction when necessary due to issues like tooth infection, excessive decay, or crowding. While tooth extraction is a common procedure, we only recommend it when essential because we understand the impact of a missing tooth on a patient’s appearance and self-confidence. When a tooth is extracted, we prioritize preserving our patients’ smiles and overall dental aesthetics by offering dental prostheses such as bridges, crowns, or implants to replace the extracted tooth. This ensures that our patients maintain their smile and self-confidence even after a tooth extraction.

Scaling / Polishing

Scaling and polishing are essential dental hygiene procedures. Scaling involves the removal of tartar (hardened plaque) from the tooth surface, especially in areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing. It helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Polishing follows scaling and smoothens the tooth surfaces, making it harder for plaque to accumulate. These procedures leave your teeth clean, smooth, and less prone to dental issues, promoting overall oral health and a brighter smile. Regular dental check-ups that include scaling and polishing are vital for maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

Partial/Complete Denture

At Dental Aesthetics, we offer two types of dentures: partial and complete. Partial dentures are recommended when only a few teeth are missing while some natural teeth remain. These dentures are designed to take support from the surrounding natural teeth and are secured in place using metal clasps. Patients can easily remove these dentures themselves, whether it’s for cleaning their teeth or at night. On the other hand, complete dentures are used when all of the teeth in either the upper or lower arch are missing. Commonly referred to as “false teeth,” complete dentures are also removable. If you have lost all your teeth in one arch, full dentures are an excellent treatment option to restore your smile and oral function.